The NEC hosts UK’s largest events from releasing new products to hosting events such as the Comic-Con. Whatever big event happens, it happens here at The NEC Birmingham.
People from around the UK and other countries come to explore and find out new things; I was lucky enough to go to both the Skills Show and the Comic-Con events on the same weekend.
In my previous blog I used a quote on opportunity and when using quotes you should be able to use them in the real world and simply not just know them.
The Skills Show is an event to help young people find something like their career path to a small part-time job - mostly focusing on apprenticeships and traineeships.
However both the Comic-Con and the Skills Show will not be held in NEC for another year at least.
Life is about figuring out what you enjoy and/or are good at. “You can’t score without a goal”.
I hope you like the photos I took on the day and I hope I never write a blog shorter than this one, ever.
Thanks for reading! :-)